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concept today! benchmark tomorrow!

So this week we decided to work up some concepts of the level so I could make a benchmark scene. For this James and I decided to screenshot some of the level block out and quickly sketch over them with a handful of mood board images to give a more in depth feel for what we want in the scene!

We started off by sketching over this image with what we wanted, for example some corrugated metal walls or ceramic tiles. This made it easier for us to understand how it’s built up and how detailed and chaotic it could be. It also made for a busy tone and subjective narrative.

We then went into lights and shadows with the idea that it would have an overcast shadow and a certain mood and time portrayed. This was rather simple as in engine we had already got the time of day set and also set up moving clouds. Nonetheless adding colour and highlights to areas to make them pop in accordance to this was annoying.

The images use bland lighting and colour due to the fact it’s raining. Little to no sunlight can be seen which heavily pushes the expressive undertones. We also decided to add pop colours around the scene to make it feel more balanced and expressive.

From here we added colour and decided to create multiple sheets to give a better understanding... and to create a style guide for people to see!

My name is Hazrat Bilal and I’m a student at De Montfort University studying game art design.


This site will showcase some of my work both on the course and outside of the course, exploring all aspects of games art as well as design. I hope you enjoy :)

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