Extra Assets
So this week I was tasked with extra assets! What a joy ;) The guys decided to create an excel sheet with a variety of assets in which I...
So far so....?
Continuing on from last week, I was still texturing a hand full of assets. (When will it end?) As well as that I had decided to play...
FMP Conclusion
This post is a snip-it of my Final post-mortem The full document can be read here: http://hazratbilalart.wix.com/gameart#!fmp/gbqkq The...
So For the first week back I decide to go heavy on the texturing and get stuck in. I worked heavily on the tileable textures first and...
Texturing Assets
This week I decided to finally move onto texturing some of the assets as well update and make smaller assets to populate the scene, this...
Modular Assets
So this week I completely scrapped my modular set and done them again…. But better! When I originally thought about the scene I wanted...
Time to start modelling
The modelling has finally began! So this week I had everything in place to start modelling the assets in the level, at first it seemed...
So this week I decided to ventured forward and create a few benchmark assets and a few tileable assets as well. This was to basically...
concept today! benchmark tomorrow!
So this week we decided to work up some concepts of the level so I could make a benchmark scene. For this James and I decided to...
Level Design!!!!
Level Design This week I worked on the games level design and layout. It started with desperately trying to find a basis to plan our...