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So far so....?

Continuing on from last week, I was still texturing a hand full of assets. (When will it end?) As well as that I had decided to play around in engine with alignment and colour grading. This was to further investigate shape and colour. Much like the start of the project where I researched these aspects.

I decided to return to them and see where I could improve on them.

I started texturing some of the larger assets such as the doors and windows first to make up the level. This was a rather simple process as I had (last week) already made a texture for at least every material.

This was done to ensure that I had enough time to re-use these textures across all of my assets making it easier to get the level complete.

My name is Hazrat Bilal and I’m a student at De Montfort University studying game art design.


This site will showcase some of my work both on the course and outside of the course, exploring all aspects of games art as well as design. I hope you enjoy :)

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